Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Is this yet another advertising blog?

Welcome to twenty-four! A blog that aims to share some of the best and a few of the worst pieces of COMMUNICATION in its myriad forms, shapes, sizes and sounds. What makes this one different from every other advertising blog you've seen so far. Well, I don't think I shall tell you coz' I think it is better you found out! Welcome aboard, have a pleasant stay. I'm sure it will be a memorable journey...


Anonymous said...

yoooooo....awesome space man!!!

you're so into advertising han...or shall we say creative/good work!! keep it going, very nice to read!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for passing by my blog. I see I get to be one of or the first commenter on yours. So far what I've seen of your blog is pretty interesting.
Have you checked out ? It's on my list of regular reads.

jace anderson said...

Sandeep.. great site. i'm happy to link and blog your site... keep watching for the best (and worst) of the medium, and i will happily return. Take care...

cipher said...

Thank you for the encouragement jace. Keep visiting to see more great ads! Have a great day and an amazing year ahead. Cheers!

cipher said...

Hey Pacoc!

Thank you so much for those suggestions. I'm gonna try n implement some of them immediately. Thanks for the encouragement and keep coming back for more! Cheers!