Friday, February 02, 2007

The Disney Parks!

Great photography by Annie Leibovitz and some really amazing art direction here! It seems just perfect for a place like Disneyland! Just one thing though, I can understand Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland...where does David Beckham fit in??


Unknown said...

Cinderella is Scarlett Johansson, Alice is Beyonce and Beckham is Prince Charming -- the other 2 guys are Lyle Lovitz and Oliver Platt, its a Hollywood thing, come on Sandeep learn your pop culture!! Just kidding.

farustar said...'s easy to figure out women in walt disney...but i'm guessing david's probably playin prince charming fighting off the dragon to get to the princess in her ivory tower...hmm...jus maybe...

Emily said...

David Beckham is playing Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty, fending off Maleficent (the witch/dragon) to get to the princess and save her with a kiss.