Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Adopt, a saner approach to creativity!

I generally like most of the work from 1pointsize and am of the general opinion that chennai gets most of its best creative campaigns from there. This campaign for the Blue Cross of India left me a little dissapointed. I get the fact that being creative and delivering a certain message in an interesting manner makes a big difference in the way the message is recieved, But what if the message is completely lost in acheiving the creative aspect of the ad?
I showed this campaign to almost 15 people and barely 2 of them got what the typography was trying to tell them. Maybe it's the execution or the idea itself but I just don't seem to think that this is a great campaign. Especially because it is not a niche product where it is OK if only a few people get the idea. It's adoption and that is an extremely generic sector of people you are talking to. Anybody thinks otherwise, shout it loud! :)

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Alter-Ego by Bournvita

Ogilvy, Mumbai is the agency behind this campaign for a health drink named bournvita. Sure to work with the kids because I know how badly I wanted to be Superman when I was Six! To see my name in that font would have been like cloud nine. This one should be extended into a Direct Mailing Exercise where the message is customised so that each could feel as great and try the Bournvita Power! I think it would work well, what say you??

Friday, January 27, 2006

Wellaflex Hold

This campaign for wellaflex shampoo was my favourite campaign in the hair care segment. It features an amazing idea and some great execution to go with it. Stunning work in a category where I have not seen a lot of great work off late. (atleast in a part of the world I live in !!)

Moisturising Shampoo - Hydratta

This campaign for Hyrdratta has great art that tells me the product benefit in an extremely intresting way.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

my body gym!

This campaign from Ogilvy for a gym named "my body" is a little convoluted! I think its a campaign but its strange coz' each of these ads look like they are from different campaigns. The ads don't seem to have that general campaign feel to them. Is there a rejoinder that anybody can see to make sense out of this campaign?

Makes Others Look Fat!

This funny campaign for a non-alcoholic drink done somewhere in South East Asia (Thailand, I think) had me in splits for a while. The brand promise is that it will make others around you look fat. I could think of lot more extensions of the same thought but I'm sure they chose two good ones (rather popularly known ones) and did these. :)

Slim Jeans from JWT Bangalore!

JWT Bangalore often comes up with some superb work across all its various clients. This campaign for Levi's Slim Jeans is one such example. Amazing work with absolutely minimal budgets.

As a copywriter, I clearly remember the number of times I have cribbed about the client asking for a campaign when he/she does not have the budgets for a photo-shoot and other production services. Well, I guess what you need is an idea and not the money. This campaign proves all that abslutely right!

Fevicol Brilliance!

O.K., one more time. I don't have to say anything at all. Just sit back and admire yet another piece of brilliance from Ogilvy, Mumbai. Stunning!!

A pair of Absolute Havaianas

This campaign has such lovely art direction that I'm convinced that it would compel me to buy a pair of these if I was a girl or a woman. I'm of the general opinion that advertising cannot sell products! An ad needs to convey the message that a certain product or service exists and it needs to bring a customer to the store to examine that product or make a call to enquire or any such action and the ad has done its job.
But a campaign like this actually goes a step ahead amd makes me decide that I will own one of these even before I know more about them! Maybe it is the art, maybe the product itself, maybe something else altogether. All said and done, the art here is stunning

Bianco Footwear

This bizzare campaign for Bianco Footwear caught my eye in the extremely interesting manner in which it chose to highlight "fashion trends" for the season! Great art and a visual that grabs you not instantly but probably after a split second. I'm happy that Bianco has moved away from cutting of people clothes or making them wear bizzare clothes to show off the footwear. A campaign that was done last year and the year becfore that too and was getting rather over-repeated, This is probably a welcome break. Nice work!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

smile you're on a SAMSUNG!

I found this ad a little forced to start with. I know that lots of ad campaigns use aexxageration as a ploy but maybe I'm a little too sensitive when it comes to human lives coz' this one somehow lowers the importance of the situation, if you get what I mean! Firefighters = Heroes and a hero will always give up anything to save my life, sorry guys, this one is a little too exaggerated for my belief!

Sugar Free & Ant Free!

This ad for Chupa Chups (Sugar Free Version) by DDB spain simply rocks! Sooper.

TATA Dicor from Ogilvy!

Well, put your hands together! these guys have done it again. I clearly remember the first time I saw the TVC on the boob-tube, i had goosebumps. Somehow, the print does not evoke the same response from me.
And I also feel that the Dicor Print Campaign is extremely similar in its treatment to the SBI Campaign that was also done by Ogilvy during the same period.
I know that most advertising professionals would agree if I went to the extent of saying that the Dicor TVC was one among the best TVC's in the automotive sector last year. Cheers guys kick arse once again!

Monday, January 23, 2006

w o w ! !

This is an absolute beauty. BBDO Chile has produced a stunner! Absolutely Amazing Typo & Art.

The Madhubani Collection from W

This campaign for a women's fashion brand named "W" was done by Rediffusion DY&R in Delhi, India. I like the waythe art relates to local culture and remains ethnically relevant too. The ad depicts a working woman through her busy day in the Madhubani style of cloth weaving and the ad is also for the same collection of work wear for women.

SF (san frisco) Tee Shirt Festival

Edgy Art Direction from Fish Eye Creative in Bangalore, India. This campaign for a t-shirt festival are done in the style of calendar and poster art of various Hindu Gods and Godesses. The models replace the gods in various styles and the art is extremely cult. I think it stands out and makes a statement individually. Nice work!

The Brand New Logo Saga!

It looks like it is the season of logos and brand identities. Recently across the globe Intel unveiled its new swish logo as it is being popularly called after trashing the pretty famous Intel Inside Logo.
And Kodak also dumped its traditonal logo and has opted for a no frills nor anything to say logo. In both cases, I like the older Intel and the older Kodak. The leap ahead as a baseline seems like yet another of those convoluted baselines that tech firms seem to come up with time and time again.
Closer home, LML today unveiled its new logo and brand identity. The logo was designed by Vyas Gianetti Communications in Mumbai. Indian Airlines also went in for a revamp and is now called "Indian". The logo was inspired from the Ashoka Chakra. I don't really have too much to compalin and I think its a decent effort from the brand to move ahed and raise its overall image in this era of growing competiton from every other airline service.
But the logo that seems to have made the loudest noise all over seems to be the pink from hutch. I have heard mixed reactions to this one.
Some of them calling for a end the pug that has been overused and has eventually lost its charm and some others for the use of an unconventional colour like Pink. Maybe Hutch should have tried the color pink in Japan. Pink is considered a colour of Machoism there!
My take on the Hutch Pink is the fact that it will work well for Hutchison. It cuts clutter, questions conventions, is attractive and hard to miss and also makes a statement without looking cheap or tacky. Anybody think anything more??