Thursday, May 11, 2006

Knock Outs!

If there's one campaign that everybody seems to love, like and admire, it is this one for SBI Cards done by Mudra. These guys seem to have got it bang on! A simple campaign that tells the message so interestingly...keep rocking guys, thanks for this one! via: adsoftheworld

Don't Vote!

We had elections in Tamilnadu, a state where I live in and a friendly neighbourhood copywriter created this campaign to encourage people to vote. I like these...I'm sure you will too! via: paaji


Yaaaaaaawn! Does this even qualify as advertising?? puts me to sleep! Better luck next time guys!
Creative Director: Asif Amin Tibet Baqual, Art Director: Naresh Jisnani, Copywriter: Asif Amin Tibet Baqual

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


FCB Brazil is the agency behind this ad for Luftal Antacid. Quite simple and straight if you know the periodic table! Well, if you dont, then this one's a complete beamer! :) via: ad blather


A print campaign for S&M done by Saatchi and Saatchi, Australia. But what is S&M, I have no clue whatsoever! Will somebody help!

Percept kicks ass @ Montreux!

Percept/H has been having a dream month! Four of their entries have gone on to become finalists at the recently concluded 16th International Montreux Advertising Festival held in Switzerland.

A finalist at the Montreux Fest was a campaign for Mahanand Josh Flavored Milk in the Press: Beverages category. The campaign has two ads, both showing a cow grazing on items such as strawberries and chocolate, which are lying on the grass. The lines with the logo are, ‘Strawberry Flavoured Milk’ and ‘Chocolate Flavoured Milk’, respectively. The campaign bagged a bronze at the AAAI Goafest as well. It was created by Deborah Fernandes, Ayesha Bedi and Tejali Shete.

Another finalist includes a press ad for The Ghetto Bar titled ‘Jaws’ in the Press: Retail category. The ad, created by Anil Kakar (copy) and Manish Ajgaonkar (art), showed a striking visual of a shark in a glass of beer, with the beer looking like an ocean of sorts. This brings out the proposition that The Ghetto Bar will be showcasing Hollywood movies such as ‘Jaws’ (hence, the whole sharks angle).

The next finalist was an ad for the Cancer Patients Aid Association in the press and public interest category. Aimed at throwing light on secondary smoking, the ad shows the feet of a man and a boy in a morgue with the placards ‘Smoker’ and ‘Passive Smoker’ on each of them, respectively. The credits for this ad go to Tarun Batra and Sachin Kamath.

The last finalist was a press ad for Tena Adult Diapers, created by Thoppil Paul and Santosh Sonawane, in the Press: Cosmetics/Pharmaceuticals category. The ad has a single line of copy that reads, ‘Is this how it feels when your bladder interrupts your life?’ That sounds simple enough, except that after every two or three alphabets, there is a comma, thus bringing out the ‘interruption’ problem. (Tena is an adult diaper that helps combat incontinence.) VIA:

100% Scam of the Year!

Scam! One word that every creative person has come across at some point of his or her career! Come on, we all do it! But then, what's really irritating is that really sad ideas like this are exected as real work! Finding leaves from different trees and putting them in the middle of a magazine isn't great work! Hell, it isn't even good work.

And come on, does the team at Ogilvy really want us to believe that they went around the jungles looking for leaves and branches! Crap...move on and try something that's more convincing next time...these are really so dumb...yes, they do suck as much as Kotex does!
Credits: Creative Director: Piyush Pandey / Sumanto Chattopadhyay. Copywriter: Delara Sidhva. Art Director: Sachin Kamble
Source: New Woman magazine / Indiawali Brides magazine / Elle magazine
VIA: ads of the world

Axe Down Under!

Well, well, well, look what we have here! After successfully satisfying the dreams of millions of men across the planet, Axe is back to give you the ultimate orgasm with "Axe Underwear"! Now that's something new! I wonder if these will work too? Well, ideally they should...but would you by Axe Undies just coz they made good deo's??

Anyways, check out this really cool TVC by Axe for their Underwear done by BBH (Bartle Bogle Hegarthy)...I really enjoyed watching this one! Kinda cool! VIA: coloribus

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Dead Driving!

"Driving drunk can make you famous"

Title: Newspaper // Art: Sarabjit Singh // Copy: Monish Gupta // Agency: Lowe, india

Eyes Eyes Baby!

A Public Service Print Ad on Eye Donation done by Think WhyNot, Mumbai. (Was nominated in the Rajasthan Patrika’s Awards) Credits: Copy: Prasad Kulkarni and Aunindo Sen. Art: Prasad Kulkarni

Perri Alley Impression!

A brand new creative for Perri Alley Shirts from 1pointsize, a Creative Hotshop in Chennai, India.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Loozah?? ewww!

A fruit juice named Looza?? Why would anybody name their drink that?? Well, your guess is as good as mine! And by the way, if you notice you'd see people getting scared of the fruits following them...are they not supposed to enjoy the taste that follows them instead of being scared or freaked out. This campaign left me pondering! What do you think...anything similar??

Bold Moves By Ford

A very different way to sell cars. This campaign for Ford has some interesting body copy and a very different line of entry. VIA: adsoftheworld

Not for Adults!

I like this cute ad for Millets, a manufacturer of childrens clothing. This print ad promotes their all new Summer Collection!

Pure Extasy!

Here's more...a campaign targetted towards gays and lesbians for extasy...a dildo manufacturer (i hope i'm right)! pretty graphic this one...I wonder how many countries allow advertising like this. This one was done by Y&R, Argentina!

Licence to Screw!

Woah! A super bizzare campaign for Peter Kim Jewelry. Tell you what, I think I'm gonna go buy some of the jewelry from here...I can imagine that being the licence to have a whole lot of fun!!

Do Not Adjust Your Monitor!

Nope. There isn't a porblem with this post or your monitor. This is how the world can look like if your are a victim. This campaign was done by APAV and the copy reads as follows:
"November 25th, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. As you can't feel what they feel, see what they see.
The agency is JWT Lisboa. VIA: Elmaaltshift

Pollution Control

A campaign for the Pollution Control Board of Singapore done By Fallon, Singapore. I like the one with cupid the best amongst the three. VIA

Creative Criminal!

A very Interesting Business Card for Melvin. A hacker, entrepreneur, and all around mischief maker, he wanted something he could give to peers and prospective clients that spoke of this nature. A lockpick concept was chosen very early on, and the post production results were excellent. The picks can quite easily be removed from the card and are entirely functional as lockpicks.
This cool idea was done by Jeni Mattson. Check out more work out here


Well, these buses are going all the way to ad-land! Nice work and a stunning example of how to do it interestingly and more importantly cost-effectively. Lovely...

Advertising For the Birds!

Sometimes great advertising can be all about common sense. Look at this brilliant piece of work done by Leo Burnett, Portugal for Friskies (a bird-feed product). I really love this work!! Stunning work guys. Pure Brilliance!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Move up the Ladder!

Looks like the team at McCann, Mumbai has been having a lot of fun working with the jobs portal, This guerilla sticker was pasted on cars and bikes outside offices telling the owners to upgrade their jobs and also upgrade their cars in the process. Interesting stuff. VIA

Credits: McCann Erickson, India; Copy: Pia Roy, Art: Chetan Rao.

Balloon Brains!

Since I don't understand this language, it makes no sense to me. Can somebody out there do the explaining. Thanks!

Umbro Goal Posts

One more Cannes Lion Winner for Umbro in 2005. I mostly dislike campaigns like these where all three ads look the same. I'm still thinking how I would have done this print campaign any differently! Or is the trick in stopping at just one ad that is brilliant?

Cut the Axe!

Superb and simple piece of communication for the National Park Wildlife & Plant Conservation Department. This won a Cannes lion in 2005 and also made it to the One Show Annual. Anybody knows the agency that did this ad?