Monday, January 23, 2006

Club 18-30!

OK, I know that this is an old campaign, but I had to put it up coz' I love the art direction so much. I can imagine the amount of photoshop that has gone into a campaign like this. Amazing. For those of you who don't know Club 18-30 is a getaway for adults.

a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy!

Ha Ha! Nice & smart little creative this. Straight to the point. Anybody knows the agency that did this ad?

De Beers Diamond Festival

It takes a great sense of dedication to your craft to come out with such work time and time again. The whole strategy of "selling diamonds to a man", that's an idea that desrves a hat-tip. Pure and absolute genius!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

B A N A N A S ! !

Found this simply stunning piece of packaging online. I think it cuts across almost every language in the world and works across nations and conveys the message every single time. All attributes of work that is hard to come by more often. Whoever did this, you're amazing at your job. Keep rocking!

Press Play from Phillips

Can somebody confirm if this campaign is one that's made from fingerprints entirely. I think it is coz' that's the only way I could link the headline that reads "Press play." Is there a bigger idea too? I'm confused!

Rimmel 100% Waterproof Markers

yet again, all 3 visuals looking the same? anybody agree that this should have been a one-off ad? Seen one, seen them all!

WWF MGM Combo.

Is this a one-off or a campaign? I think it's a campaign. No idea which agency too. But nice idea.

Money makes the world go around!!

I get the idea but do any of you find the execution a little flawed? Coz' I did! I just thought that the merging of the faces had to be more distinct and that it still appears to be a little forced in the manner in which this campaign has been executed. Any more views?

Ikea Fabric Beauty.

Ikea did this guerilla display somewhere in Brazil. I think it's a superb idea to demonstrate the power of the product. Absolutely stunning work.

Nasal Hair Remover....Damn!

Found this weird ad for a Nasal Hair Remover on today. This ad struck me like a bolt. Is this a scam ad or a scam product? I never have used one of those things and never knew one such thing existed, pretty strange, what do you think??

Twisted & Turned On a Bike Ride!

This campaign for Extreme Bike, Munich was done by an agency called Start in Munich. It's got some amazing art direction but I really dont get the idea and the fact that it has such a twisted headline too. One of my creative directors once advised me that an ad should never have a twisted headline along with a twisted visual. That way the reader gets none of it. This is probably the best example of that.

Slim From Sagem

Great campaign. No denying that at all. One look and everybody knows the product benefit but then, I still have a problem with the fact that all 3 ads in the campaign look like one. Does one need 3 ads or should it have been a one-off? What's your take on the whole thing?

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Durex Passion!

I have always believed that the greatest way to do an ad is to talk to the customer without telling him I am an ad. That whole point of talking to him when he's least expected to be spoken to. That kind of response is simply more memorable than advertising of any other kind. This Guerilla Camapign from McCann Erickson for Durex does exactly that. Can we have more stuff like this please!

Big Wash!

Awesome work by adgeek. Adgeek is also called Johan H Ohlson and is a 28 year old art director from Budapest, Hungary. He has some really amazing work on his blog. Check it out guys. This campaign hits the nail on the head by telling people what a Samsung Washing Machine could do. Great campaign Adgeek. Keep showing us more of your brilliance. PS: The previous campaign for Siemens was also done by him!

Sex and the Selling Machine!

Well yet another mindless use of women as sex objects in this campaign done by Jung Von Matt, Germany. This campaign for matchbox (a company that sells miniature cars - like hotwheels in India) shows scantily clad women next to miniature cars.
The explanation from the agency remains that the ad is not targetted for kids who genearlly buy these cars but for adults who wish to own miniatures as collectors items. The women are supposed to represent the women and awesome car fixation! No matter whom you're selling to, I guess this campaign is absolute rubbish for me! Simply Mindless!