Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Page 3 for the Intelligentia!

Two days back, I was at the Crossword Book Sale in Bangalore and I came across a book on the making of the Economist Campaign. A lovely one I must say. It had about 400 different ads and about 1800 pages on the making of each ad, the thought process, the evolution of the Economist Brand Idea and more. And today I saw this ad. Via: Abdul Rehman

I'm amazed at the kind of dimensions a brand like the Economist can take. It reminds me about other great ideologies like the ABSOLUT Vodka Campaign, The TIME Magazine Campaign amongst several others. This ad talks about the Economist Page 3. A Page 3 for the clever, the intellectuals and the brainy.

PS: For those of you still interested, the official Page 3 is supposed to be brought out by the SUN Magazine. A bold new nude hot chick each day on Page 3. This one is for the Economist reader.

1 comment:

Soumil Nigam said...

Hey! Do you remember the name of the book?