Saturday, April 22, 2006

Pepsi - Japanese Flavour!

This ad was done by BBDO, Toronto but the copy I think is either in Japanese or Chinese (not sure). I really don't know what the hook is or what the ad is saying? Anybody from South East Asia has clarity on this one??


Unknown said...

its chinese and i dunno what it's saying. i wondering what the hook is too

Anonymous said...

I do believe it's a hammer, so maybe Pepsi's strengh - or something like that.

Anonymous said...

I think it doesent matter what it means, the irony with the ad for Northen American Dudes is that it's better visual with the asian signs. Its realy cool.

Anonymous said...

it mean " GONG Xi FATT CHAI" in chinese. word that chinese will say the most during chinese new year, something like happy new year.

Anonymous said...

the chinese wordings mean, "wishing you a wealthy year ahead", we chinese say it when during chinese new year. its a new year greeting. so rather than having chopsticks , they replaced it with the straws.quite a clever thought!

Anonymous said...

Two straws on a chopstick rest, placed as if they were chopsticks for your meal, but obviously for the Pepsi about to be served on this Special Chinese Occasion...
Very smart!