I don't like this ad for Ammerland Diaries one bit. In this day and age where science has proven time and again that a mother's milk is best for a baby, using this kind of communication is not only showing the percieved audience a wrong message and also makes for some very dumb advertising. This ad picked up an award at the 2005 EPICA Showcase too. I don't know what the judges were thinking when they saw this one!
I agree. There is too much negativism and shows mother's milk just another option - when it's not. it's supposed to be "THE" milk for children
Here in the U.S., the far right would say this ad promotes homosexuality.
Bull, the far right wouldn't care - the far left would ask why they did not show a man instead of a woman. Anyway, this reminds me of an introductory Human-Computer Interaction talk by one of the top HCI people - she started off the talk with the pic of a baby sucking on a nipple and said, "The nipple is the only truly intuitive interface - sadly, we just go downhill from there".
What I thought first was, this isn't his (boy?) mother and even though the breast is lovely he refuses it.
Its a wild idea but I dont think it wud have made any connect any of its targets
Agreed, this ad is disgusting.
no way, advertising milk for kids - ok, but think who is buying (or not buying in that case) right the mother
I think you guys are wrong on your critics of this ad. It's not about the poor taste or the truthfulness of the message. If it were about truth, all advertisement would fall in that category, for in reality we don't need any product. Don't forget that advertisement is merely propaganda by companies to get people to buy their products, nohing else. But when it comes to portfolio pieces, the creativity is really targeted to creatives in the world and not to people in society. This type of portfolio work is how advertisers communicate with each otehr, not to the public, and saying this, it doesnt matter what the left or right would say. Also, this ad is not targeted to kids or teens. It is merely a creative way to say nothing tastes better than ammerland milk. That even a child thinks its no good. And if you ever do taste real mother's milk you can see that it doesn't taste good at all. regardless, I think the ad is funny. And if the message isn't clear to you when you first see this, then you don't have the capacity to read imagery.
as a BF mother and LLL member, I find this ad very offensive! as a creative, it's just dumb! if anything the photo has nice lighting.
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