This piece of communication for a Funeral Services Home left me chuckling but I don't know what to make of it entirely. Anybody got a point to make? :)
I personnaly thought at first that it's an ad for an optician, but then I read the little copy and got it. It's a great placement for this kind of services. It does it's job of attracting (hopefluuly only) your attention. And all of it by only using 4 words. Not bad.
I personnaly thought at first that it's an ad for an optician, but then I read the little copy and got it. It's a great placement for this kind of services. It does it's job of attracting (hopefluuly only) your attention. And all of it by only using 4 words. Not bad.
I would have liked it if it said. Dont come any closer . or... u'l need the services. Whatever u sell, encouraging someone to get killed, even when ur trying to be humorous, wont be found funny by everyone. But i guess it wouldn't have been that catchy then. I think how an ad makes a person emote is a lot more important.
I personnaly thought at first that it's an ad for an optician, but then I read the little copy and got it. It's a great placement for this kind of services. It does it's job of attracting (hopefluuly only) your attention. And all of it by only using 4 words. Not bad.
I personnaly thought at first that it's an ad for an optician, but then I read the little copy and got it. It's a great placement for this kind of services. It does it's job of attracting (hopefluuly only) your attention. And all of it by only using 4 words. Not bad.
Daft. (not the communication.)
You go closer, you become minced meat for a train and promptly go to the funeral service in question.
Easy and clear.
I would have liked it if it said. Dont come any closer . or... u'l need the services. Whatever u sell, encouraging someone to get killed, even when ur trying to be humorous, wont be found funny by everyone. But i guess it wouldn't have been that catchy then. I think how an ad makes a person emote is a lot more important.
If the ad works they are f... up.
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