Imagine the same ad with the headline Sexy Burgers with Extra Mayonnaise...any better?? And finally, for ages advertising has used women and their bodies as Sex Symbols...something I personally don't appreciate too much! But what I'm curious is what the women feel about this? Women out there, do you have a voice...use it!
well.. i wud definitely wanna meet the creative team behind it. Guess some1 should tell them the main purpose of advertising i.e. To sell.. kinda curious to know about their sales ! its sorta disgusting.. i wouldnt even wanna think about eating a burger after this campaign..
i wud say sometimes the geographics govern the advt, to u it may seem vulgar or offensive, but i think in america they wud find it tantalizing..Women dont mind having big brests and guys sure dont mind takin a go at them ;-)
Based upon their adverts, I would make a conscious decision NOT to EVER be a customer.
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