Thursday, August 31, 2006
Johnson & Johnson

Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Adidas does a Nike??!!

TBWA, India did the above campaign for Adidas and the agency claims that both campaigns were done at the same time! Now is this a copy or is it just simulataneous thought...you'll never know! But all said and done it's a bizzare thought to see 2 global giants and largest rivals have exactly the same advertising...Jeez!
Curtains From New Zealand

The copy on the plaque reads: Nobody deserves this kind of exposure.
Curtains don’t just keep out prying eyes, they keep out the cold. Far too many Waikato families freeze because their homes are without curtains. So please, donate your old curtains and give warmth to a needy family.
Credits: Brand: Curtain Bank >> Agency: Draft, Auckland, New Zealand >> Creative Director: Chris Hunter >> Art director: Darryl Roycroft >> Copywriter: Graham Wiremu >> Photographer: Greg Semu >> Installation: Rocket Signtists
Pedigree Underdog

Thanks to Sakib Afridi from TBWA\RAAD in Dubai for sending in this ad for Pedigree Dog Food. As most of us know, it was just announced that the planet Pluto has lost it's status as a planet. TBWA quickly took the opportunity to do an ad for Pedigree dog food. Also, the global tagline for Pedigree is: "We're for dogs". TBWA added a little twist there as well and made it "we're for underdogs too".
Credits: Art Director: Sakib Afridi >> Creative Director >> Copywriter: Shehzad Yunus.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Are You Clever Enough?

AGENCY: etoile b >> ART DIRECTOR: simon michael >> COPYWRITER: urtep t
The Dubai Sports City

Liqstar Walita Mixer Jar

Monday, August 28, 2006
DJ Blackjack @ Purple Haze!

Credits: Agency: Watermelon, Bangalore >> Creative Director: Sampat Kumar >> Art Director: Jayanarayanan >> Copywriter: Netra N Kumar
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Freddy & the Pillow!

Swift - Wanna Play??

Thanks to Yaqui Núñez from Pagés BBDO for sending in this campaign for the Suzuki Swift. According to Núñez, it's a really fun project that's coming out to the media as we speak in magazines, posters, etc. It all revolves around the global positioning of the car "Wanna play?" and the cool thing is the amount of time you spent looking for all the hidden things in each one of them.
Campaign Credits: Agency: Pagés BBDO >> Country: Dominican Republic >> GCD: Rofolfo Borrell >> Copywriter: Yaqui Núñez >> Art Director: Miguel Peña >> Illustrator: Efrain Raymundo >> Client: Suzuki >> Product: Swift
Surrealy Hyundai!

Friday, August 25, 2006
The Art of Slacking Off!!
How to Do Nothing at Work, and Get Away With It!
Just found this on the Weiden + Kennedy Blog and I thought you'd like to read it too...
1. Look Busy: Having papers spead all over your desk helps, as do pencils which are widdled down to the eraser. If you have to walk somewhere, keep your head down, and walk quickly (this also works if youre trying to avoid being called over to do work. NEVER MAKE EYE CONTACT!). Carrying clipboard with you while moving around also helps.
2. Look Stressed: If you look completely stressed out, co-workers and your boss will be more likely to leave you alone, since you must have other pressing matters on your mind. To look stressed leave your eyes unfocused, move from place to place quickly while quietly talking to yourself, and if someone asks you a question, stare off into the distance for a moment, give a big sigh, and answer them with an irritated tone.
3. Speak Quickly: If they cant figure out what you said, they'll assume you dont have the time to explain it.
4. Hide: Find a good hiding place. A couple good examples are under a desk, in the air vents, or a janitors closet.
5. Break a Limb: Obviously this method only works when you work at a job that requires physical labour or typing. How you break the limb is up to you, though I recommend something spectacular (ie. snowboarding on the Alps).
6. Make Excuses: Theres nothing like having a good list of excuses on hand (Memorized, that is. A list on paper is suspicious). Ones like I would stay late, but I have to babysit my mothers aunts friends sisters goldfish, may work. Of course, ymmv.
7. Never Leave Your Office/Room: If you dont leave your office, you are less likely to be bothered. Remember: out of sight, out of mind. Of course, you will need to ensure that you have an ample supply of rations so that you can survive until its time to head home. Bathroom breaks, I'm still working on.
8. What they cant see Re-arrange your office so that your computer monitor faces away from any windows or doors that your boss may be able to see through. This will ensure that you have ample time to hit the Boss Key in any game youre playing, or open a Word document to hide the porn youre surfing, should your boss happen to wander into your dungeon..er..office.
9. Fool their eyes: If you cant rearrange your office, perhaps employ a service like Work FRIENDLY which acts as a proxy to mask any website that you visit. You can mask the sites to look like a Word Document and at a quick glance, they look like any other document. If the boss gets too close, click the Boss Key and WordFriendly will hide the website with pseudo-word document.
10. Choose a profession people dont understand: Im a web developer. Most people dont REALLY understand what you need to do to be a web developer, so I might be doing a blog post, but theyre thinking Im working. Golden!
The Design Yatra 2006!!

All details of participants, contact numbers in various cities across India, Sponsors, etc are available in the poster above. I think this must be one of the greatest events for a designer to be at. Check it out, promises to be one great event...I wanna GO toooooo!
Arush Energy Drink
Thursday, August 24, 2006
The Unofficial Sponsor of Halloween!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Meiji Milk

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