Friday, September 15, 2006

Connex updates!

This print campaign for Connex Trains in Australia, was created with elaborate model train sets, and features a number of fictional scenarios in which trains are delayed due to ridiculous circumstances. The ads promote a new service that tells commuters when there’s a delay, disruption or cancellation to their train.

Product: Connex SMS timetable updates >> Title: Beaver/ Chicken/ Venus Flytrap/ Guinea Pig. >> Agency: Leo Burnett, Melbourne >> Country: Australia >> Creatives: Jason Williams (Creative Director) Andrew Woodhead (Copywriter) Richard Walker (Art Director) >> Other Credits: Photographer: Andreas Smetana


M said...'s Australia, so you never really know. This could be possible! ;)

mzchief said...

AWESOME advert! It made look long and hard and made me giggle.