On this happy occassion I would like to thank the hundreds of people who've written in saying how much they enjoy twenty four. Thanks to all the people who have supported me, sent in work and suggested improvements. It is you guys who keep this site going. A major revamp is on the cards very soon (a new re-vamped site, interviews from advertising gurus across the world, opinion polls, a brand new TVC archive, student ads, posts with tags and sections and lots more) and this I hope will be something you all will enjoy.
And what a lovely co-incidence that twenty four touches 200,000 hits today! I am overjoyed. Keep coming back, send in those mails and those suggestions...they mean more than you can ever imagine. Thanks again...here's a toast to celebrate one year of communication from across the world. Cheers!
Congratulations & rock on!
one year!!!! it seams that it's much more time..... i guess it's because twenty four is genial
thank you for your work
Keep on going
Congrats Sandeep. More is now expected. And I'm sure more is what we'll get Twenty Four 7.
happy birthday :)
Congrats!! Appreciate your efforts to bring us good advertising.
- A Twenty Four regular
Happy birthday on your ad blog!
Keep up the good work.
We very much enjoy your blog, it's very useful and shows how great ads on the other side of the world are too!
an advertising student and class.
Happy Birthday!!! Thanks for all the fresh ideas from everywhere. Keep having fun !
Only one year and such a great job! Happy birthday and keep going!
I'll keep an eye on you for another year at least:)
Take care!
Keep up the good work, i always take a pick at your blog, Happy Birthday!
happy birthday!
Up and down the city road
In and Out the Eagle
Thats the way the balloon goes
Pop goes the weasel!
Happy Birthday 24!
200.000 hits? You are such a liar:)
You give no source which you post every day. You are god damn idiot!
and thank you, very, very much
You've touched people how it matters most: by humour, intrigue and drama.
you ROCK! keep on keep'n on bro.
I won't be surprised if your blog becomes world's most visited
and admired blog.
Hey Sandy!
Keep up the amazing blog, dude. It's really refreshing and a cut above other advertising blogs. Congrats and Godspeed.
Let's Rock!
Asif Amin
Hey Sandeep, Congarts buddy!! Happy birthday, janam din badhai ho... Niku mari ni janminchina ee blog ki puttina roju shuhakankshalu....
Be alive...forever!
S. Nagesh (Art)
Dentsu Marcom, Mumbai
Hey congrats!
Tnanks a lot for being so consistent. I have learnt a hell lot about advertising and on days I was low a visit to your blog pepped me up.
Thanks a lot.
Congrats Sandeep...Keep Going
This is my daily dose of inspiration.
CONGRATS from Portugal!
Great work mate.
Congrats! I'm a Mass Communication student from Delhi and have been following your blog for a really long time.
You rock!
Happy Birthday .. this is a fine source for creative ads :)
thank you sandeep, we appreciate it!
Congratulations -- your blog is an inspiration!
Congrats from Australia! Best blog ever!
Congrats Sandeep, hope this blog goes right to the top.
However, in the present format there is a wonderful simplicity and ease of viewing without any disturbances, that might get lost if too many things are put into it... do be careful of that :)
Cheers and Happy Birthday to your baby!!
Woderful site sandeep, All the best
Happy birthday on your blog. I've only been a visitor for a couple of months but I think it's a great resource for the best ads from around the world. Kudos! Can't wait for your new revamped site.
Congrats and THANK YOU! Your site is my ad school and you are my ad guru. Rock on!
- Swati
Kudos from Singapore!
It's really refreshing to have such a simple, no frills "ad archive"
Helped me a lot in my work.
Thanks for keeping me inspired :)
great site. I look at it every day!
great ads and no silly funny super dupper -film links :*))
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