Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Stains That Kill - CPAA & Saatchi!

Thanks to Rajeev Ravindranathan from Saatchi & Saatchi, Bangalore for sending in this Ambient Media Idea that was executed for the Cancer Patients Aid Association. The Pan stains that you see on the walls are a common feature at several buildings in India. Shameful but absolutely true!
Client: CPAA >> Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Bangalore >> Copywriter: Rajeev Ravindranathan >> Art: Prasad Erande >> Photographs: Suguthan


Anonymous said...

how grosse with the pan stains!

I really love your blog, im glad there are others who love commercial and such!
kisses & hugs/ a

Anonymous said...

scam n fuk all. and d execution sucks too.