Calle is a brand that promotes underground street soccer. As far as Calle is concerned, soccer is appropriate anytime, anywhere. These stickers are attached as a hang tag to all of Calle's apparel and once placed, the ambient piece is designed to blend in with public signage and quietly promote Calle's message.
Advertising Agency: Struck (www.struckcreative.com) >> Client: Calle Soccer >> Art Director: Ryan Goodwin >> Designers: Peder Singleton (athenaeumpress.com), Dan Christofferson (www.robotsandangels.com)
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Where are you Sandeep?
how come this blog hasn't been updated? it's almost january already!
Its been a long time. Hello! where are you?
no more updates ?
Love the blog finally found it again after losing my bookmarks. Sad to see it's not getting the love. Thanks for the great images, and please come back!
to when a new update?
where r u
Sandeep is dead!!
where are you? I d'ont beleave in the last coment.
Please send us news.
i miss this blog!! it was a fav!
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We miss you, where are you ;) Hope you are just too busy ;)
Miss you blog dude - hope you're just super busy!
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Hey Sandeep, how come no updates?
Do you have the Mauritius Tourism ads written by Alok Nanda?
Where can I read them?
Do you have the Indian Oil campaign written by Agnello Dias?
Do you have the Lead India Campaign (again written by Aggi)?
hey superb post rally enjoyed going through it
with regards
edgar dantas
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. Do let me know your feedback. Tks
Wonderful pictures.Why no write up after Nov'2007?
very nice blog... keep up the good work!!! God Bless!!!
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Calle is a brand that promotes underground street soccer
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com) >> Client: Calle Soccer >> Art Director: Ryan Goodwin >> Designers: Peder Singleton (athenaeumpress
no updates?
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very clever. i love the signs. great marketing strategy!!
cyber monday
Nice Post. Thanks for sharing this information with us.
were has u lost all have of them are looking for your blog.
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Sorry your blog seems to have ended.
Makes me sad that you disappeared. I STILL check this place even 2 years after you last posted. Hope everything is well.
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That's fun. It would be even more fun if opposing street signs were playing with eachother.
congratulations! It´s a a very good blog!
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Hope you are well where ever you are Sandeep. Haven't seen Dave Cripps on your travels have you?
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And I do have to eat my words, because I have been quite taken by his sweets and baking recipes, which are very good. I'm still not completely enamoured of his dinner/lunch recipes because theyr'e a bit too 'Sydney/Gold Coast' - i.e. light, salady, grilled type things you can cook on a BBQ and eat on a verandah. I live in Melbourne.
That sort of stuff is not so suitable for us here most of the year! But, he has a chapter on Afternoon Tea in this book, and I've picked up about four recipes that I'm making for the hen's party. That's a good strike rate for one book.
The cardamom doesn't really come through,
but there is a strong taste of ginger and orange.
Its been a long time.
Hello! where are you?
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