Friday, December 02, 2005


Category: Fashion
Agency: Fish Eye, Bangalore
Headline: Various
Client: SF Jeans
Country: India

I think all the work done for SF is a kind of a revelation to the Indian Fashion Industry. In each and every single piece of communication from this brand, I see a sense of attitude. It moves far away from talking about the product, its great material, the confidence it brings along, the fact that it can attract women, the pricing or anything else that we so commonly see on Indian Fashion Advertising.

Instead it tries to sell me an attitude. Nobody buys Nike today because it's a great shoe. We buy it because of the attitude it sells! Similarly, most SFAds make me feel a part of their own philosophy of "BE GAME" for anything that comes your way. I so badly wish I had written any of these ads. They are just so amazing if you try and understand the kind of attitude they bring along. Superb!

Low on price, High on Creativity!

I think this campaign is cool. I can't stop smiling every time I look at it. The whole point of taking something as cliched as reduced prices and putting a bizare twist on it is nice. But I dont think it is a great campaign or anything like that becoz I'm sure most creative people would have come up with something similar. What works here is the art that supports the idea wonderfully! PS: This won a Cannes in 2005!

s i m p l i c i t y . . .

I remember the number of times, we creative people at agencies are constantly cribbing about the fact that we have to come up with campigns even when the client does not have a budget for a lavish shoot of any kind. I wonder if this campaign came up because the client had no money to shoot or if this was just pure genius of coming up with a campaign irrespective of all the other factors like what budgets, which photographer, what medium, how big is the ad, etc, etc.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

This is the new Weight Loss Programme!

Product: Food
Client: Campina
Agency: Unknown
Headline: Only 0.1% fat
Country: Unknown
Medium: Outdoor

Not everybody will get this ad immediately but when you do I'm sure you'll be like OH! DAMN, why did'nt I think about that! Nice stuff. Picked up a few awards too...

Really Really Sharp & Precise

Yet another winner at Cannes 2005. But I have just one question, with such works of art being carved out, are these still simple knives for my home and kitchen or what?

Soundproof Windows By WERU

This Campaign picked up a Cannes Lion at the 2005 Cannes Ad Festival. This is actually a follow up to the start of the campaign in 2004. Shall try and find that one too so that you can judge which one is nicer!

Baygon Killed Spiderman!!

I don't clearly remember if this is an ad done in India or somewhere Internationally but it's been one of my most memorable ads ever! It's funny, clever, intelligent and gets the point across very very well. Kudos to whoever thought of this one...and my apologies to D.C. Comics and the makers of the movie "Spiderman"! ;)

Four Fresh Creatives

I found these 4 ads via Hidden Persuader. I am quite confused about the language used in the first ad done by a German Agency named KNSK Werbeagenteur! Is there a word called "Drunks". I'm not sure but even otherwise, what is this ad trying to tell me? That this is a newspaper that tells me the truth every morning? If that is the case then, the next sub-headline "Know what's going to be important" is irrelevant, I think. Honestly speaking, weird ad this one!


The second ad is for PS2 and was done by TBWA, Paris. It definetely lives up to the Bizzare value of all the other PS2 ads done so far. An octopus preparing itself for the winter games...well, what can I say about that!


The third ad for Kit Kat was done by JWT, Italy. It shows the ghost taking a break and hiding under the sheets. I still don't think it's great or anything but should bring a smile on a face or two.


The fourth and last ad for Toyota Hilux and was done by Saatchi & Saatchi. The metaphot for showing how tough a car the hilux is when it is used instead of an iron ball to demolish a building...not excited with this one either...

Game Anyone?

Category: Entertainment
Client: Playstation
Headline: None
Agency: TBWA
Country: Unknown

Some people think these ads are cool, some other think they are morbid and grose. Some others love them for their irreverent attitude. I think they are bizzare but then i really don't know if this is the attitude required to sell a game to kids! And even otherwise, India really does not have a big PS2 market as of now, so I can't be completely sure of how to judge this campaign even though it picked up a Cannes Lion in 2005.

Brilliant Typography Yet Again!

Veja is a Brazilian (I think) Magazine that claims o give its readers both sides of every story it publishes. But right now, all I am thinking did somebody even think of something so brilliant?? Mind blowing Typography to support a stunning idea. Absolutely rocking to the core!!

Black Belt for your Thumbs!

This ad for Playstation 2 goes on to emphasize on the power of thumbs that has been widely used for a lot of Playstation Print Ads in the past. Brings a smile on to my face for sure and not to mention, it's a memorable idea! Via Frederick Samuel

W I D E - S H O T from N I K O N

Nice Ad for Nikon this. Simple and gets the message across without any worry whatsoever!

World Aids Day Awareness!

Today is World Aids Day and this was a campaign done by a French Agency a while ago. I felt it was appropriate to put it up today. This campaign tells the reader that nobody is safe from the disease. They say the discrimination is deadlier than the disease. So find a victim and make him/her happy today!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Breast Cancer & Russian Dolls

Category: Public Service
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather
Client: Unknown
Headline: Breast Cancer can be hereditary.
Country: India

A totally new spin on Russian Dolls for a direct mailer done by Ogilvy & Mather. Normally Russian Dolls are considered advertising cliches because they are used to depict a lot of features in one product or to show the small size of a product or to show decrease in the value of something. This is a feature that has been used too many times. I like the fact that somebody has tried to do something fresh and interesting with the same Russian Doll.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Hard to Decide, Huh??

A cool and innovative way to showcase the kind of confusion a customer faces due to the wide range of options available at the Sunglass Hut. Brings a smile onto my face for sure.

Donors Wanted!

Category: Public Service
Agency: Duval Guillaume
Client: National Association for Organ Transplant
Headline: We don't have enough donors.
Country: Europe

This sweet and effective campaign was done by a European Agency named Duval Guillaume in Brussels. I don't know how many people in India would really get the idea behind this campaign because we are not used to the ticket or token system that is widely prevalent across Europe and the United Kingdom. This campaign shows patients waiting with tickets awaiting their turn to get an organ transpalnt just like a movie ticket or a ticket for a ride on a train or bus, etc. Somewhere down the line, the needs and wants of people are the same across the planet.

Page 3 for the Intelligentia!

Two days back, I was at the Crossword Book Sale in Bangalore and I came across a book on the making of the Economist Campaign. A lovely one I must say. It had about 400 different ads and about 1800 pages on the making of each ad, the thought process, the evolution of the Economist Brand Idea and more. And today I saw this ad. Via: Abdul Rehman

I'm amazed at the kind of dimensions a brand like the Economist can take. It reminds me about other great ideologies like the ABSOLUT Vodka Campaign, The TIME Magazine Campaign amongst several others. This ad talks about the Economist Page 3. A Page 3 for the clever, the intellectuals and the brainy.

PS: For those of you still interested, the official Page 3 is supposed to be brought out by the SUN Magazine. A bold new nude hot chick each day on Page 3. This one is for the Economist reader.

So thin, I think I love it!

Okay now this Guerilla Concept for Sony Cybershot blew my mind the minute I saw it. I don't think anything I write about can do justice to this brilliant idea. I have no clue when, where or who did this. But it's so damn simple, yet so amazing...advertising can be pure magic at times!

Ads for the entire family!

Category: Life Insurance / Services
Agency: Unknown
Headline: At last someone thinks of the family.
Country: Unknown

I remember this campaign sweeping away loads of awards in 2002. I instantly loved the campaign for its very irreverent look at the whole point of Life Insurance. A same strategy that I see more often in Indian TVC's these days. Look at an SBI Life Insurance (old man and woman), a Kotak Mahindra TVC (money falling from trees) or many other ads and you will notice how much the Life Insurance Category has evolved over the years. These ads do the same thing in a very cool way. No wonder the Cannes, A One Show, a D&AD and a CLIO were awarded to this campaign.

Moved to e-bay!!

This is yet another great guerilla stunt done by e-bay in Belgium. They targetted stores that were empty or had just vacated their space and stuck stickers that read "Moved to e-bay". Super thought this. Brings a smile and reminds me that e-bay is an option for me to buy anything I have ever wanted in a very non obstrusive manner. Brilliant!

JEEP in the jungle!

Here's yet another great example of communication that touches the consumer in a very non advertising kind of way. This innovative guerilla stunt for JEEP was done by an agency called Contrapunto in Madrid, Spain. From the looks of the image it looks like it was done at a strategic location like a train station or something. Very cool thought. Amazinga!!