Friday, April 07, 2006

Tomatoes in a Bottle!

Winner of an Epica Award in 2004, I guess this campaign works pretty well even today! Nice and simple art too.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


A new ad by JWT, Thailand for the Digital Zoom Feature in the Nikon Coolpix Camera. Do you like the idea? I personally think its kinda OK! It also reminds me of an ad for Toyo Plastic Buckets posted below on this blog...I can't seem to accept war & violence in advertising. May be it's just a mindset for me...

Tunnel in your Nose!

Guerilla Work done for a Nasal Inhaler called Sorine! Yet another nice usage of medium and message effectively.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The News is Moving!

Winner of a Cannes Lion in 2005, this campaign was done for the BBC (British Broadcating Corporation) when it moved into a new office location. Anybody know the agency involved here??

Puke Anyone??

Found these 2 ads at Seaspace today. I have no clue what these ads are trying to say, where they are from or what language they are in or what they mean. Can anybody help me decipher what these ads are trying to tell us...thanks!

Smart or What!

Smart Little Pups that go to the library, the hospital and space centres, surprising...isn't it? Well, IAMS does that to your little pup too! Saatchi & Saatchi, Sydney is the agency behind this sweet little campaign for IAMS Pet Food.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Get into ShApE?

A series of hoardings for a health club named Fitness One in Chennai, India. A media innovation that uses the medium to deliver the message effectively! Like it?

Slovenia in Trouble!

Slovenia must be an extremely difficult place for women. Atleast that's the message from this public service poster developed by "THE SIGN". The headline reads: "Every fifth beaten, every seventh raped." Simple yet intresting...

The Axe Printers

Well, Yet another clever creative from Ogilvy, Mumbai! The headline here reads "You don't need an axe to chop trees". How many of us will really get this ad, I really don't know. Some ads are made for just Award Juries, ain't they?

Stuff It Small!

Some really simple work with an amazing idea attached to it from Saatchi & Saatchi, New York for Stuff It. A software that compresses files into smaller sizes and lets you expand them later. Really nice work, I wonder how many small objects that have gone into making these ads...a magnifying glass would sure be of help!

Monday, April 03, 2006

BIG by Wonderbra!

This Wonderbra campaign that was created specially for France, was created exclusively for Valentine’s Day. A day when most Frenchmen are known to buy lingerie for their women. They ads appeared only in a fashion special in FHM and in a trendy magazine called Double. These exclusive ads were aimed at people who had a better level of creative knowledge and were capable of understanding sophisticated advertising language. VIA

Sponsor of the Solar Eclipse!

Thanks to Olcayto CENGİZ, an art director from WMC CREATIVE (Wizards of Marketing Communications) for sending in this ad for "The Solar Eclipse"!
I never quite understood this but may be some of you do! Please let me know!
See more work at Olcayto's blog: (iyi fikir means: good idea in Turkish).
The body copy is: We never gave up to be enchanted.....and to enchant.
The "un-official" sponsor of 29 March 2006 solar eclipse

It's the paper, dumbo!

Thanks to Jason Haynes from O’Keefe Murphy Gaff for sending in this campaign for Reflex Pure White Office Paper. It is the leading office paper brand in Australia. I like the spin on paper jams and it's a great insight too! Most of us end up balming the poor printer so often, well this one works to shatter that myth!
The credits for this campaign are:
Client: Reflex
Agency: O’Keefe Murphy Gaff
Creative Director: Peter Murphy
Art Director: Jason Hynes
Photographer: Garth Oriander

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Naaaaaaah! Don't call me FAT!

A cardinal rule when making an ad or a campaign or any communication: Don't tell the consumer that you are wrong or try to show him in a negative frame of mind. This campaign does exactly that. "Fat people don't want to be told that they are fat!" and that is the truth. Every fat person will tell you, don't tell me my problem, I know it and don't want it to be repeated.
This campaign by Ogilvy for Zaf Fitness Club is a pun on the word "Burn Fat" but I'm of the opinion that it would repel a large segment of the TG due to the light in which it potrays them. Trust me, nobody who's fat wants to be called it, let alone be hunted down and burnt! Well, sometimes it does pay to put your creative brains aside and think about what your consumer might think, coz it's the only thing that matters at the end of the day!

Coffee Wars in New Zealand!

Draft New Zealand created this ambient campaign for an Aukland coffee cafe, a market segment we're told is filled with many independents alongside giants like Starbucks.
Draft created and placed branded trashcans throughout the city that looked like coffee cups including a stir stick. We're also told Starbucks wasn't too happy one was placed outside its own store and several Starbucks employees ripped all the branding off that particular can. Well, looks like ad-wars are alive and kicking in Kiwi Land. VIA

Pages BBDO Direct Mailer

Thanks to Yaqui Nunez for sending in this Direct Mail Effort created by Pages BBDO and had to be implemented with an extremely low budget. The results speak for itself. It won a GOLD in the CARIBE festival which is a regional creative awards event for the Caribbean. Let's see how it does in the big ones.

Here are the credits for the campaign:

General Creative Director: Rodolfo Borrell
Senior Copywriter: Dilia Luna
Designer: Scarly Bidó
Agency: PagésBBDO, Dominican Republic
Category: Charities, public health & safety, public awareness messages

Kick Some Dirty Politician Arse!

Oh damn! I wish we could do this here in India. In Brazil, A new denim brand called Forum has just launched a new campaign that features models fighting corrupt politicians and cleaning up the country. It's a really nice platform to build a brand on.
Makes your TG want to wear it just because you speak for a cause. Lovely stuff and who on the planet does not wanna kick a politicians arse! Way to go Brazil, you guys are lucky to have such levels of freedom of speech and action. VIA

Laxative that really works!

Body Copy:
Ad 1) Before: 87 kg. After: 86.3 kg
Ad 2) Before 91 kg. After:90.3 kg
Ad 3) Before 40 kg After: 39.4 kg
Agency: Ogilvy, Mumbai
Superb! One definitive word to describe this idea for Dr.Morepen, a laxative from India. The campaign developed by Ogilvy, Mumbai is a little old but makes me want to stand up and applaud everytime I see it. Really nice work. This one rocks all the way!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Mid-Day Mumbai!

I really really love the way this campaign for Mid-Day has been art-directed. Ogilvy has really managed to capture so many little elements of Mumbai and India in such an interesting way out here. Really differently thought. It might not be fresh now, but when it was done almost 2 years ago, it was a real good one for its times. Supah!

Protect Your Head - FCB Ulka

FCB Ulka is gunning for some big metal at the Abby's Night on the 31st of March (Advertising Club of Bombay). This piece is one of their entries in the Public Service Category. The agency also promises to create an impact at the fest with 2 of its TVC's, Hari Sadu for and Punch for Tata Indica. What happens at the Abby's, well, its all coming very soon!

Beggar Boy from Grey, India

This really nice Guerilla Effort from Grey in India is sure to turn a few heads and hopefully members of the International Jury at the Ad Festivals. The effort for Childcare, India aims to help more than 20 Million Indian Children who beg on the streets each day. I love the fact that it depicts the true reality in the way we deal with them - push them away. Great use of medium and an equally amazing message too. Stunning work! VIA